

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Benefits of Omega-3 for Middle-aged and Older Adults

The older you get, the higher the risk is for you in getting health problems, especially heart disease. But cheer up! There is no reason for you to sulk over this matter as Omega-3 is better known to help deal with this kind of problem with this age group. The benefits of Omega-3 for the middle-aged and older adults are proven and sure.
Omega-3s seem to help keep the heart rhythm steady. This is good news for the older adults, isn’t it? It does not only help prevent problems in healthy people, they also cut the risk of complications and death in people who already have heart disease. One study found that people who had already had a heart attack and took Omega-3 had a 45% decrease in the risk of heart-related death. Omega-3s also seem to slow down arteriosclerosis and lower the risk of strokes.

Omega-3 lowers down cholesterol as DHA and EPA as proper dosage can slash triglyceride levels by 20% to 50%. The effect will be depending on the amount your doctor will recommend, usually in fairly high doses.
Aside from improvement of the heart health, one of the most important benefits of Omega-3 is of its anti-inflammatory effect. Omega-3s can tune down the body’s inflammation. Heart disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis seem to be related to an inflammatory process, whereas Omega-3 can help. It reduces rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, like morning stiffness and pain. High doses – of 3 to 4 grams -- may be necessary. Larger dose of Omega-3 should be under the supervision of a health professional.
Another is Osteoporosis. Omega-3 also helps in greater bone density in the hip. When combined th calcium and primrose oil, bone density increases in older people with osteoporosis.
Preventive to memory loss, Omega-3 also lowers the risk of dementia in older people. Recent studies have also evaluated that omega-3 supplement DHA can slow the decline seen in people with Alzheimer's dementia and in age-associated memory impairment. In addition to this, DHA was found to be a beneficial supplement and may have a positive effect on gradual memory loss associated with aging.


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