

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

5 Tips for Beautiful, Glowing Skin

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it” says Confucius. If everything has beauty, is yours visible? If it is visible, will it last? You can wear classy clothes and fab make-ups on but at the end of the day all of these you have to take off. And when everything is taken off, what is left of you? Yes, your skin. How beautiful are you when you are bare? How beautiful and confident do you feel without all your beauty accessories?

Your skin is part your everyday wardrobe. You should wear your skin more proud than when you wear anything else aside from it. Make-up and fab outfits should enhance your innate beauty, not make up for it. And for you to really get the feel of your inner, natural beauty, here are some tips to help you feel and be beautiful, and have that glowing skin that will last.

  1. Know your skin. It is important that you know your skin type. Skin types are categorized to normal, oily, dry, and sensitive. You may even have the combination of some of these. Determine your skin type in order for you to know what kind of product will you use. You cannot take care of something you don’t know about. In order to beautify your skin, you have to classify your skin first. And then you can proceed to the caring part.

  1. Love your skin. Now that you know your skin, love your skin. You cannot expect to see results overnight, so you have to be patient with yourself and learn to love your skin every day. When you do this, caring for it will not be a burden to you, especially if you are the type of person who does not really know how to care about your appearance. With all the process that you might undergo, a little love will help you go a long way. Remember, you will be doing this for your own good. Show yourself some love.

  1. Feed your skin. Your skin is a big part of you. It is actually the biggest part of you (you know, the biggest organ you have?). You may learn by now that it is not enough to just wash your face with water and then go to sleep. With all the free radicals from everyday pollution, you have to feed your skin some good stuffs. Not only with creams and things you put on to your face, but with good stuffs for deep within. What do I mean? Simply, eat healthy. Stop munching those chips and sweets. It does not do your skin good. Start binging on leafy vegetables and delicious, healthy fruits. The nutrients it gives will be of great help for your skin, and for your overall health too.

  1. Hydrate your skin. It is just proper to hydrate your skin after you feed it, right? Load up on water to keep you feeling and looking fresh. Skin dehydration will make your skin dry, tight and flaky. It will more prone to wrinkling, and it may age faster than you want it to. So fuel up your young looking skin and make it radiate more with lots of water.
  1. Pamper your skin. Of course, you want this. Loving your skin means giving it a little pampering. Get the best toner for your skin type. Lavish it with the best moisturizer that suits you. Lather the ceramide over. You can use Venus Phyto Max for better result using phytoceramide. Go pamper yourself with a little facial spa once in a while. Give yourself the best skin care, even in the comfort of your home. Invest in your skin. After all, it’s the only one you’ll wear for the rest of your life.

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, give that beholder a glimpse of your beauty’s best. If your beauty is hidden before, this time, it will radiate and glow out in the open. Be beautiful and shine!


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