

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Benefits of Omega-3 for the Young

Studies and medical professionals proved the many benefits of Omega-3 in one’s health. From promoting heart health and better cognitive development to reducing the risks of certain types of cancer, Omega-3 has been known to be effective. To get a better glimpse of what Omega-3 can do to your health, it is good to know its over-all benefit to different age bracket.

Omega-3s for Infants, Prenatal Health, and Pregnancy
Omega-3s are indeed beneficial for adults. However, it is not only for the adults that Omega-3 shows effect for better health. Some studies show that even children born of mothers who take Omega-3 supplements are benefited of this wonder drug. It is also for the advantage of children’s health even in their prenatal months.
credits: iHealthCast
Cognitively, children born to mothers who took supplements of Omega-3s (DHA and EPA) during pregnancy and during the first months of breastfeeding show better results on cognitive tests at age 4 compared to children whose mothers did not. Also, Infants fed with formulas enriched with the Omega-3 fatty acid DHA shows better hand-eye coordination, attention span, social skills, and intelligence tests scores, studies show.
In addition to this, children of women who took Omega-3 supplements during pregnancy were less likely to have developed asthma. Omega-3 promotes growth and brain development in premature infants. And, pregnant women who take Omega-3 were less likely to go into premature labor than women who do not.
Infants are most likely to get their intake of Omega-3 (DHA) through formulas supplemented with DHA. However, a mother’s breast milk would be an ideal source of Omega-3. The infants will get their proper dose of DHA depending on how many Omega-3s are getting in the diet of the lactating mother.
Omega-3s for Children and Teens
Children, as young as they are, also benefit from Omega-3. There are a few childhood conditions that are shown to gain improvement because of the effect of Omega-3.
Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may have lower levels of omega-3s in their bodies than normal children. However, only a few small studies have looked at Omega-3 supplements as a treatment. They found that the supplements might improve behavior, reduce hyperactivity, and boost attention in kids under 12.
Usually, Omega-3’s benefit for mood improvement and depression are often related to adults only. But there have been a few studies in children too. In 2006 one small study of Omega-3 in depressed 6- to 12-year-olds found it helped their symptoms significantly.
Omega-3 is also helpful for children and teens with diabetes and asthma. Children who were at high risk of developing type2 diabetes will reduce the risk of further development if Omega-3 is included in their healthy diet. And children who have asthma will benefit from Omega-3 as it may reduce inflammation in the airways.
There are many small studies that prove the benefit of Omega-3 not only for the adults but for the children as well. However, keep in mind that many of these studies were small. Further researches are yet to be done in order to know its full benefit. And it is better to always consult with your healthcare professional/ pediatrician before taking anything in.



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